财新传媒 财新传媒


1.Riding the Iron Rooster by Train Through China. 著名作家Paul Theroux 1986年在中国的游记,他在中国待了一年,乘了四十趟火车。他文字生动,观察细微,为当时的中国留下了一份相对客观的记录,已成为关于中国的游记中非常经典的一部。




I hate being observed. One of the pleasures of travel is being anonymous. – Paul Theroux


I wouldn’t mind seeing China if I could come back the same day. –Philip Larkin


The real travelers are those who leave for the sake of leaving. - Baudelaire


Keeping quiet gave me chest pains. I longed to lecture them about the Middle East, and if they gave me half a chance on the subject of travel I could seize their wrists like the Ancient Mariner and a tale unfold.  – Paul Theroux


瑟鲁到了波兰首都,要把自己的稿费提出来,因为‘I would never give it to Lech Walesa, the leader of the Solidarity movement, because he had once publicly boasted that he had never read a book in his life. The last thing that man deserved were my book royalties.’


Sightseeing is one of the more doubtful aspects of travel, and in China it is one of the least rewarding things a traveler can do – primarily a distraction and seldom even an amusement. It has all the boredom and ritual of a pilgrimage and none of the spiritual benefits. –Paul Theroux


I thought this was odd, because I had never regarded marriage as a conscious choice. It was something else: you fell in love and that was it, for better or worse. But she seemed very rational-that was certainly Chinese of her – and I guessed that she had spent her life making the right choices. - Paul Theroux


In China, as a general rule, you could regard nothing as true until it had been denied. Anything officially denied was probably a fact. - Paul Theroux


Travel in China, I suspected, would give me a lasting desire for solitude. - Paul Theroux


How had they managed this extraordinary increase in their fortunes? This party secretary Ma gave me a long explanation, but in effect he was saying that everything changed after the government got off their backs. - Paul Theroux


It was wonderful to be anonymous those dark nights in Shanghai, when no one could see my face, and I heard a mother scolding a child with ‘Where have you been?’


And the place looked better under a few inches of snow. A blind boy was caught in it, and tapping his stick he squawked when there was no sound or echo- in just a few minutes he had lost his way, because he could not hear his stick in the snow. But his turned his face up and as the snow hit it he licked the flakes from his lips.


What the evangelizer in his na?ve serious doesn’t understand is that there are some people on earth who do not wish to be saved.


2.The Lost Horizon。失去的地平线,名气很大,终于看了,语言很漂亮,很喜欢,也理解了它受欢迎的原因:乱世中,人们宁愿相信有香格里拉那样的世外桃源。抄一句:


P274 Perhaps the exhaustion of the passion is the beginning of wisdom.


3.Best Detective Stories of Agatha Christie。收入七篇阿婆的短篇。






366篇文章 9年前更新

孙仲旭(Luke),1973年生,毕业于郑州大学外文系,现供职于广州某航运公司,业余从事文学翻译,已出版译作《一九八四·动物农场》、《门萨的娼妓》、《有人喜欢冷冰冰》、《麦田里的守望者》、《梦想家彼得》等27种(包括6种再版书)。 译作目录:http://book.douban.com/doulist/14076/ 译文小集:http://www.douban.com/note/34107135/
